Fyrirspurnir v. fjáfestinga






Almennar fyrirspurnir



Information for investors

The first round of financing, completed in July 2023, was highly successful, enabling the company to achieve its goals. Alongside the share sale, all convertible bondholders chose to convert their bonds into equity, expanding the company’s shareholder base from one to 22 following the capital increase. In April 2024, LAXEY finalized a €40 million private placement. Due to strong investor demand, a subsequent funding round was initiated in June 2024, successfully raising approximately €6 million through an equity private placement to commence construction on the second phase of its 4,500-ton HOG land-based salmon production facility.  In the second phase of funding in 2024, the company extended an invitation to its employees to participate. This year’s funding efforts have led to a significant increase in the number of shareholders, rising from 22 to 68. 

The company’s establishment and development of the project have been ongoing since the start of 2019. Since the establishment of the original development company, Sjælbært fisheldi i Eyjum ehf., emphasis has been placed on building the project, i.e., data presented to prospective investors is prepared professionally by skilled experts in their respective fields. Also, with the guiding principle of working on the project in consultation with stakeholders and the community in Vestmannaeyjar 

There is an extended period of development ahead, and the founders hope that investors in the local community in Vestmannaeyjar and elsewhere will get to know the company’s plans and choose to participate in the development. 

  • An environmental assessment for the project has been carried out by Efla hf., the most powerful consulting company in Iceland in its field. No serious comments have been made about the company’s plans. 
  • The most powerful company in the construction of RAS stations was chosen in order to ensure minimal water consumption of the hatchery and to ensure that the company does not cause a disturbance in water affairs in the Vestmannaeyjar. 
  • Work has been done with energy companies and companies that are part of the company’s electricity procurement to ensure that sufficient infrastructure is in place and that the activities will be guaranteed regarding energy issues. Only green energy will be used. 
  • A lot of work has been done to choose powerful solutions that have sustained experience in cooperation with the best suppliers for the design for the land fire in Viðlagafjörður. The design criteria of the team that has done the design are: 
  • Reliability 
  • Biosecurity 
  • Water quality 
  • Stable growth environment 
  • Automation 
  • The conditions for salmon farming on land in the Vestmanna Islands are unique. The conditions at the construction site are very favorable – fishing is next to cooking pots, access to marine resources at an extremely favorable temperature and a strong knowledge community in the Vestmanna Islands. 
  • All fish will be transported by ship to the market, and the Vestmanna Islands are very well located in terms of shipping to Europe and N. America.