Fyrirspurnir v. fjáfestinga






Almennar fyrirspurnir



Director of Aquaculture has been appointed

Director of Aquaculture has been appointed

LAXEY is bringing Rustan Lindquist on board as Director of Aquaculture. Formally joining us on September 1st, Rustan already has signed in as a consultant, collaborating with LAXEY on technical design and plans. Rustan’s wealth of experience and impressive track...
Work on the boreholes continues

Work on the boreholes continues

Work on the boreholes in Viðlagafjara continues. The purpose of the boreholes is to provide seawater from the ground to LAXEY that will be used in the grow-out site. Árni ehf. oversees the drilling of the wells for LAXEY, but a contract was made with Árni ehf. May 4,...
Press Release

Press Release

LAXEY Successfully Completes €40 Million Equity Private Placement, Adding a Strong Group of Strategic and Financial Investors   LAXEY (the “Company”) is pleased to announce the successful completion of a €40 million Equity Private Placement, thereby finalizing the...
The LAXEY and AKVA group Saga continues

The LAXEY and AKVA group Saga continues

We are happy to announce a new contract has been made with AKVA group; the agreement will focus on the implementation of Re-use technology across the first of six Grow-out modules planned for the site. We are happy to continue this journey with AKVA, the cooperation...
Batch 2 is here!

Batch 2 is here!

Our second batch has arrived, LAXEY took now 600.000 salmon ova. Which is half of the hatchery’s capacity. The salmon ova came from Benchmark Genetics.   The reception and processing of the salmon ova went as well as expected, as a lot of preparation had already...