Fyrirspurnir v. fjáfestinga






Almennar fyrirspurnir



The aim is to build a 32,000 tonne a year fish farm for salmon

The goal

The aim is to build a 32,000 tonne a year fish farm for salmon in a flow-through system.  This could create about 100 jobs in the Westman Islands.

The smolt-station is located in Friðahöfn and a RAS system. In the grow-out facility clean seawater is pumped up through the station and cleaned before being returned to the sea.  

The sea temperature at the Westman Islands is very favorable, which is important for a good growth rate and good operating results.


Work began on the project in 2018. An environmental assessment for the area in Viðlagafjara has begun in collaboration with EFLA – a large engineering firm.

A lot of effort has gone into ensuring that all business plans and technical solutions will work out when the company starts operating. Here you can see the progress in the 2023.


Food is increasingly required by consumers to be produced responsibly, without causing harm to future generations or nature: sustainable.

The company will be set up in such a way that its impact on the environment will be minimal and production will be in accordance with such standards.

Only electricity produced with green energy sources will be used for the production.


27,000 tonnes of HOG (head on gutted) salmon ( Salmo salar) will be produced. The production will be gutted and packed in production facilities in Vidlagafjara. Production will be in accordance with the ASC standard for responsible aquaculture production.

With controlled conditions and high-quality feed, the aim is to produce a high-quality product that will be in demand in the markets.


When the design work is completed, construction will begin in 2025.  In the future, the company seeks partnerships with suppliers, buyers of salmon, investors in sustainable industries and other companies with common interests to work with.

Waste not!

All waste from the fish is cleaned from the sewer before it flows to the sea. Water is separated from the manure before it is used for fertilizer or land cultivation. 

In this way, LAXEY will ensure that the manure will be used to increase vegetation on Heimaey which created the lava on which the station is built.

There are other possible sideprojects to be made in order to fully harvest all the potentiol of what the salmon farming can bring.